Customers are interacting and talking about brands like never before. As part of that discussion, companies are realizing that a great user experience (UX) is an important component of the customer journey. As organizations look for ways to effectively make UX a part of their operations, they face a number of challenges, including:
• Gaining greater buy-in from the executive level
• How they can more effectively align with marketing
• How marketing and UX can work together to create value
for the business and the customer
• Ensuring greater relevance within the whole organization
During this panel discussion, our team of experts will discuss their experience on how to ensure marketing and UX can have alignment and how to effectively implement these programs in your organization.
Follow us on Twitter and tweet us your questions about UX and marketing prior to the event: @AMAtoronto | #AMAevents
Morag Johnston, UX Strategist, Consultant and Coach
Shannah Segal, Principal, Usability Matters
Andrew Chak, Sr. Director, User Design & Experience, Rogers
Deepika Malik, Head of Experience Design, Home Depot
Raja Shankar, Director, Digital Planning & Analysis, Scotiabank
Wednesday April 22, 2015
7:30–8:00am – Registration, breakfast and networking
8:00–9:00am – Roundtable discussion and Q&A
9:00–9:30am – Closing remarks
9:30–10:00am – Networking